Page 113 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 113

Advise to


                                                              on Sports

                                                              By Jonah Pereyra, Human Resources
                                                              and Administration

          In every game day, our parents are                      Dealing with pressure. Sports basically
          usually the ones present but let us not                 train the athletes to handle difficult
          forget that our grandparents are also                   situations in a graceful manner. If they
          cheering for us. If our parents have an                 have mastered these techniques, they
          important call at work or must attend                   can also apply this outside sport.
          meetings, our grandparents are always                   Grandparents may also opt to talk to
          there to save the day. Grandparents                     their grandkids and instill in them that
          typically thought of as the one who                     confidence, control, concentration,
          spoils the children and having more                     and commitment are very vital in
          fun than parents. Since they have                       dealing with pressure.
          already walked through life, they have
          so much wisdom and life lessons that                    Teamwork. This is not just applicable in
          can be shared to their grandchildren                    sports, children have so many
          when it comes to the sports that they                   activities that requires teamwork, even
          love.                                                   in school. One thing that grandparents
                                                                  can get involved with their grandkids
          Positive Attitudes. Grandparents can                    is by playing board games which can
          be a role-models in imparting the ideas                 encourage them to work together and
          that some athletes win some and lose                    refining good sportsmanship.
          some. If they show that they are proud
          of their grandkids whether they missed                  Play by the rules. Learning how to play
          that winning shot, they are already                     fair is one of the most important
          imparting the lesson of having a                        lessons kids gain participating in
          positive attitude through life.                         sports. They experience the thrill of
                                                                  victory and the agony of defeat, but
          Mentorship. Bonding with coaches on                     when they can win with humility and
          the playing field makes kids more                        lose with pride, they leave the field
          open to what these adults have to say                   with improved character.
          about life off the field, too. Attend a                  Grandparents can share their wisdoms
          practice session, game, or event and                    and learnings acquired through life.
          watch how the coach interacts with                      Playing and living by the rules makes
          the kids. This will help reinforce the                  successful citizens, because they make
          coach’s positive impact. If distance is a               mistakes and learn from them, one
          factor, ask your grandkids about their                  winning at a time.
          coaches.  Help them see how the
          coach’s insight can be applicable to
          other endeavors.

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