Page 111 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 111
Grandparents come with years worth of wisdom and love to share with their grandkids. They play an important role
in the lives of their grandchildren especially when it comes to teaching values, respect, and affection that helps
influence a child as he or she grows up. To ensure a special strong bond is built, grandparents play mobile games to
catch up and get along well with their techie and millennial grandkids. Indeed, technology does not necessarily
drive family members apart, it can also bring generations together.
Here are some suggested game applications grandparents may play with their grandkids.
Experience the future of illicit hydro jet racing, where armored riders Minecraft is a popular game all around the world for people of all
kick out death-defying stunts over massive waterfalls, dodge cops ages. For those who have never played, Minecraft puts you in a giant
through public waterways, and boost at breakneck speeds across world where you mine stuff, build stuff, beat up bad guys, and do
surging waves. pretty much whatever you want. There is a survival mode where you
must mine your own resources and food along with a creative mode
You are a hydro jet rider, framed and cast out from the Riptide GP that gives you unlimited everything. Frequent updates have added
league, forced to race illegally through city waterways, flooded ruins, tons of new content and possibilities. The game is pretty much on par
and churning factory machinery in an effort to reclaim your with its PC and console counterparts. In fact, you can play on
reputation and your title. Play through the single player career to multiplayer servers with people on those platforms. Nifty. There are
unlock new vehicles, playable characters, and customization features in-app purchases, but they’re usually just for customization things
as you take down bosses and build your crew. like skin packs.
CANDY BEARS 2018 On the other hand, here are some game applications grandkids
can teach their grandparents as part of their bonding moments.
This Candy Bears 2018 game will give you hours of sugar land fun.
Become the Candy Bears 2018 hero and stop the evil sweet land CANDY CRUSH SAGA (King Casual)
thirsty monsters that move after this beautiful candy land to win all
the yummy candy stars! No time to waste, cross the gems and start A famous mobile game application that fits everyone. It is
your sugary journey to chocolate Santa’s mountains. entertaining and fun to play. A very colorful puzzle adventure game of
all time. The process of the game involves thinking and smart moves
Chocolate bar flavors include peppermint chocolate bar, gingerbread to go on to the next level.
men cookie chocolate, and even a fruit cake chocolate bar! Try this
sweet and delicious match-3 gummy and test your candy matching
skill to become the yummy of Candy Bears 2018 land in Christmas!
Special, try to get crazy yummy boosts and surprises such as big
bombs Yummy! Taste it now!
Hurry up and become the champion Candy Bears 2018 smarter and CROSSWORD PUZZLE (Redstone Games Word)
compete with your friends!
A fun and engaging game application that may help the brain to
GALAXY SHOOTER 2018 exercise and keep thinking. It is challenging from easy to difficult
Galaxy Shooter 2018 is the best aircraft shooting game. There are
always unmerciful forces fighting in this air force game, they can
attack on earth anywhere and anytime! Your mission is to control SCRABBLE (Electronic Arts Word)
fighter and join the battle to save Earth from the space attacker. It
allows you to change and upgrade power of your fighters by An all-time game is now also a mobile game. It can be played online
collecting different coins which boost to destroy all enemy. Control with other players and played solo against the computer. And like the
your fighter cleverly, smartly and kill all space attacker during space real game in person, it has a time limit for every player to answer with
shooting attack and bring the peace for Earth. fast thinking and skills are involve. It is a fun and easy game.
Snowboarding at high speed has never been as relaxing as it is in
Alto’s Adventure. Very simple one-touch controls let you guide Alto A TV show game and mobile application. It is easy to play and
(and several other unlockable characters) down the mountain while entertaining. It is a puzzle game to solve a given question by spinning
getting big air, grinding edges and performing multiple backflips. the wheel. It is played online with other players as well as in
Facebook, or just played against the computer to collect prizes.
With beautiful endless mountain scenery, amazing day-to-night
transitions and a mesmerizing soundtrack (you should definitely Downloadable for web, iOS and android.
wear headphones), this is a must have on any device. Take the time to play and really get to know your grandparents
and at the same time learn while they’re still with you.