Page 151 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 151

Thirty-four Metro Pacific Tollways South
 employees acquired new information and
 learning about Six Sigma in the third
 series of Lunch and Learn held last   The DMAIC Method of Six Sigma
 October 31, 2018 at Shakey’s Kawit, Cavite
 City. Mr. Emil Vadassery, a Six Sigma Yellow   The DMAIC
 Belt holder from Supply Chain and Risk   (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control
 Management, conducted the learning   ) project method is a formalized
 session.  problem-solving process of Six Sigma. It’s
        made-up of five steps to apply to any
 To apply Six Sigma in Metro Pacific   procedure of a business to improve
 Tollways South business, employees   effectiveness.
 needed to understand what Six Sigma is,
 the principles of Six Sigma, and the DMAIC   1.  Define: Set the context and objectives
 problem-solving method.  for your improvement project.
        2. Measure: Determine the baseline
 What is Six Sigma?  Six Sigma’s fundamental principles:  performance and capability of the process
        or system you’re improving.
 Generally, Six Sigma is a problem-solving   ■  Y=f(X) + ε: All outcomes and results   3. Analyze: Use data and tools to
 methodology that helps enhance business   (theY) are determined by inputs (theXs)   understand the cause-and-effect
 and organizational operations. It is a   with some degree of uncertainty (å).  relationships in your process or system.
 systematic, disciplined customer focused,   ■  To change or improve results (the Y), you   4. Improve: Develop the modifications that
 data driven process improvement   have to focus on the inputs (theXs), modify   lead to a validated improvement in your
 methodology that uses DMAIC to reduce   them, and control them.  process or system.
 DELAYS, DEFECTS & VARIATIONS. The Six   ■  Variation is everywhere, and it degrades   5. Control: Establish plans and procedures
 Sigma DMAIC process (define, measure,   consistent, good performance. Your job is   to ensure that your improvements are
 analyze, improve, control) is an   to find it and minimize it!  sustained.
 improvement system for existing   ■  Valid measurements and data are
 processes falling below specification and   required foundations for consistent,   The Tools-Methods Landscape of Six
 looking for incremental improvement.  breakthrough improvement.  Sigma
 ■  Only a critical few inputs have
 Six Sigma Principles  significant effect on the output.   Having the right tools and knowing how to
 Concentrate on the critical few.  apply them to your Six Sigma projects will
 Six Sigma is based on a handful of basic   ■  Every decision and conclusion has risk   help you produce accurate, acceptable,
 principles, and these principles crete the   (ε), which must be weighed against the   and reusable outcomes. Here’s an
 entire Six Sigma arrangement. Here are   context of the decision.  overview of the Six Sigma landscape:

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