Page 180 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 180

Cracking Safety

        on Fire Crackers

        By RJ Camano, Quality, Environment, Safety, and Health

                                                                    When faced with minor fire crackers                              Major burns, meaning the burned area is                    Light only one firework at a time.
                                                                    injuries, do the following first aid                             large or the skin is broken, require                       Only use fireworks as intended: don’t
                                                                    measures:                                                       immediate care at an emergency room                    try to alter, dismantle or combine them
                                                                                                                                    or burn center.                                        with other products. Never experiment
                                                                        Cool the burn with cool water, NOT                                                                                 or make your own fireworks.
                                                                    ice, for at least five minutes.                                  Here are other fire cracker safety tips:                    Never shoot fireworks in metal or glass
                                                                        Clean it with soap and water.                                                                                      containers.
                                                                        Cover it with a bandage or clean,                               Use fireworks outdoors only.                            Never relight a “dud” firework or a
                                                                    dry cotton dressing.                                                Read and follow all warnings and                   firework that did not ignite successfully.
                                                                        Call your doctor if the burn does                           instructions on packaging.                                 Spectators should keep a safe distance
                                                                    not feel or look better within 24 hours                             Never use fireworks while under the                 from the shooter: use common sense.
                                                                    or if the burn is larger than the palm                          influence of alcohol. Have a designated                     Never throw or point fireworks at other
                                                                    of your hand.                                                   sober firework shooter.                                 people.
                                                                                                                                        Never hold fireworks in your hand.                      Never carry fireworks in your pocket as
                                                                    But it is important to note that ice                                Always wear eye protection when                    the friction could set them off.
                                                                    should not be used to treat burns                               handling fireworks.                                         Keep a bucket of water nearby in case
                                                                    because it can further damage the                                   Never have any part of your body over              of a malfunction or fire.
                                                                    tissue. After cleaning and covering                             the firework.                                               Dispose of fireworks properly by
                                                                    the burn, ibuprofen or                                              Don’t light fireworks with a lighter or             soaking them in water and disposing in a
                                                                    acetaminophen can help relieve pain                             matches as your hand will be too close to              trashcan.
                                                                    and swelling in the affected area.                              the flame.                                                  Don’t forget to think about your furry
                                                                                                                                        Always use a punk, which is a                      friends. Animals have sensitive ears and
                                                                    Minor burns will usually heal on their                          smoldering stick that lights fireworks                  may be frightened or stressed by
                                                                    own without further treatment and                               from a safer distance and does not use                 fireworks going off. Keep your pets
                                                                    should show signs of improvement                                an open flame.                                          indoors to help reduce the risk of them
                                                                    within 24 hours. If the burn is still not                           Never allow young children to play                 getting loose or injured.
                                                                    healed within two weeks, or if other                            with or ignite fireworks.
                                                                    symptoms are present, call your                                     Only those over the age of 12 should                   “The most effective way to prevent
                                                                    doctor or head to your local                                    handle sparklers and an adult should                   fire-works related injuries is to refrain
                                                                    emergency room.                                                 always be present.                                     from using firecrackers. If you choose to
                                                                                                                                        Only light fireworks on a smooth, flat               do so, make sure you exercise strict
                                                                                                                                    surface away from houses, dry leaves and               caution”
                                                                                                                                    other flammable materials.
                       Source: and image grabbed from Bali Fireworks, Philippine Star, My Sari Sari Store.

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