Page 182 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 182

higher than that stated therein and without            sponsorship, approval, performance,
                                                                                                                                    discrimination to all buyers.”                         characteristics, ingredients, accessories, uses,

                                                           5 Things To                                                              4. Gift cards and checks should not have an            or benefits it does not have;

                                                           Remember While                                                           expiration.                                            b) a consumer product or service is of a
                                                                                                                                                                                           particular standard, quality, grade, style, or
                                                           Christmas Shopping                                                       For people who are not keen braving the                model when in fact it is not;
                                                                                                                                    traffic and crowds during this gift-giving
                                                                                                                                    season, gift checks and cards come in handy.           c)    a consumer product is new, original or
                                                           By Sky Zafe, Legal Services                                              Buyers and recipients of said gift checks (GCs)        unused, when in fact, it is in a deteriorated,
                                                                                                                                    must note that Republic Act 10962 or the Gift          altered, reconditioned, reclaimed or
                                                                                                                                    Check Act of 2017 prohibits issuers from               second-hand state;
                                                                                                                                    releasing GCs that bear an expiry date. It also
                                                                                                                                    bars them from imposing an expiry date “on             d) a consumer product or service is available to
                                                                                                                                    the stored value, credit, or balance of the gift       the consumer for a reason that is different
         Filipinos have been known for celebrating                                                                                  check.”                                                from the fact;
         Christmas longer than other cultures. As early         2. There is no such thing as “No Return and No
         as September, you hear carols being played in          Exchange”.                                                          However, GCs that are issued to customers              e) a consumer product or service has been
         the malls and decorations are already up. At                                                                               “including, but not limited to, those under            supplied in accordance with the previous
         around the same time, malls extend their               The Implementing Rules and Regulations of                           loyalty, rewards, or promotional programs” as          representation when in fact it is not;
         hours to accommodate the throngs of                    R.A. 7394, or the Consumer Act of the                               determined by the DTI are not covered by the
         shoppers looking for presents to give their            Philippines, specifically Title III, Chapter 1, Rule                 new law.                                               f) a consumer product or service can be
         loved ones, buying groceries for all the potluck       2, Section 7 of Department Administrative                                                                                  supplied in a quantity greater than the
         dinners lined up, and finding ways to spend             Order (DAO) No. 2, Series of 1993, state that the                   Coupons or vouchers that entitle the holder to         supplier intends;
         their bonuses. In the hustle and bustle of the         words “No Return, No Exchange”, or words to                         “a discount off a particular good or service,” or
         Christmas season, it is important to be aware          such effect shall not be written into the                           “that may be exchanged for a pre-identified             g) a service, or repair of a consumer product is
         of our consumer rights and the remedies that           contract of sale, receipt of sales transaction, in                  good or service” are also not included.                needed when in fact it is not;
         are available to us when we encounter                  any documents as evidence of sale, or
         unpleasant experiences in the middle of our            anywhere in the store or business                                   5. You have rights against deceptive sales             h) a specific price advantage of a consumer
         shopping frenzy.                                       establishment. Such provision is aimed to                           tactics.                                               product exists when in fact it does not;
                                                                correct the misconception of a lot of
         1. Never allow short-changing.                         consumers today that they do not have the                           There are sales agents that come off as too            i) the sales act or practice involves or does not
                                                                right to return shoddy or defective goods or                        aggressive or whose strategies seem to be              involve a warranty, a disclaimer of warranties,
         Republic Act 10909, or the No Shortchanging            demand for remedies, in case of defective or                        deceptive and manipulative. If you feel like you       particular warranty terms or other rights,
         Law, aims to protect consumers who lose                imperfect service because of the “No Return,                        are being tricked into buying something, be            remedies or obligations if the indication is
         money to sellers or service providers who do           No Exchange” notice in the receipts or                              reminded that deceptive sales acts or                  false; and
         not give exact change. According to the law,           anywhere in the business establishments.                            practices violate Article 50 of Republic Act (RA)
         businesses or service providers should give                                                                                7394, or the Consumer Act of the Philippines.          j) the seller or supplier has a sponsorship,
         exact change, and cannot refuse to give                Consumers may return or exchange the goods                          The provision states, “A deceptive act or              approval, or affiliation he does not have.”
         change to those who are buying their                   or avail of other remedies, in case of hidden                       practice by a seller or supplier in connection
         products, or using their services, as it is their      faults or defects, or any charge the buyer was                      with a consumer transaction violates this Act          A consumer can go directly to the Department
         “duty…to give exact exchange to the consumer           not aware of the time of purchase. By provision                     whether it occurs before, during or after the          of Trade and Industry (DTI) if any seller or
         without waiting for the consumer to ask for            of law, sellers are obligated to honor their                        transaction. An act or practice shall be               business establishment does not comply with
         the same.”                                             implied warranties and grant corresponding                          deemed deceptive whenever the producer,                any of the above-listed obligations. The DTI,
                                                                remedies to consumers.                                              manufacturer, supplier or seller, through              tasked with implementing the Consumer’s Act
         Consumers can file a complaint not later than                                                                               concealment, false representation of                   provisions, shall receive petitions or
         10 working days after an establishment, seller,        3. The price tag must be followed.                                  fraudulent manipulation, induces a consumer            letter-complaints from aggrieved consumers.
         or service provider refuses to give them                                                                                   to enter into a sales or lease transaction of any      Christmas shopping is already crazy and
         change or gives insufficient change. Anyone             According to Republic Act 7394, otherwise                           consumer product or service.                           stressful as it is. Thus, it is important to have
         found to have violated the law will be fined            known as the Consumer Act of the Philippines,                                                                              knowledge of the rights and remedies
         P500 for the first offense. Repeat offenders will       it is “unlawful to offer any consumer product                       Further, the law provides that, “the act or            available under the law to help create a safer
         be fined P15,000 and their license to operate           for retail sale to the public without an                            practice of a seller or supplier is deceptive          and more pleasant shopping experience, not
         will be suspended for three months. A third            appropriate price tag, label or marking publicly                    when it represents that:                               only during this gift-giving season, but all year
         offense will incur a fine of P25,000 and the            displayed to indicate the price of each article                                                                            round.
         revocation of their license to operate.                and said products shall not be sold at a price                      a) a consumer product or service has the

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