Page 87 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 87

minutes which was a trial seeing my baby asleep. I      Times passed that I only pumped 1-2 oz a day, it was on his
        learned that block pumping was also effective in building   24th month, we decided to change the milk of our baby. It
        stash prior returning to work. I realized that my left breast   was a challenge trying different powdered milk. Ram did
        produces more milk. I also experienced engorgement      not liked any of the powdered milk we gave him until my
        wherein my breast produces more milk. I can feel the    office mate suggested to we try fresh milk under the brand
        pressure and expansion of the breast. During this time, I   SILK. It was also approved by his pedia. The fresh milk
        had difficulty in pumping the milk and I needed to apply   supplemented his food intake. We are still focus on
        hot compress. In the mornings, our bedsheet got wet     “tamang kain.” To date, our three year old son eats what we
        because of the milk flowing freely while I slept. Thus, I   set on the dinner table. We are fortunate that until now he
        had to wake up and extract by hand expression.          still breast feeds.

        By the second month, RJ and I were happy that our baby
        was exclusively breastfeeding. And the milk he got from
        me was enough to meet his needs.
        At the beginning, we were not knowledgeable in
        choosing the right breastfeeding pump. We want one
        which was efficient and able to extract milk without me
        feeling the pain. I used the manual pump for five
        months. But when the valve broke I bought a dual
        electric pump under the brand Horigen.

        With four weeks remaining  before going back to work, I
        was pressured to build the stash needed in order to
        sustain my son’s milk while I was at work. Luckily I was
        able to produce 3-5 oz milk per day (150 ml). I religiously   CHALLENGES:
        pump two to three hours while my baby was sleeping or
        playing. We stored the extracted breastmilk in the freezer   1.  Cracked nipples. This occurred on my first month when
        using storage bags bought from SM Department Store.     my breast was adjusting in producing milk. Try putting salt
        Back then I didn’t know that milk bags should be flatten   water and wipe the affected area.
        in order to save space. Finally I was able to build the stash   2.  Breast engorgement. My breast produced more milk in
        totalling of 96 oz (2880ml) which was enough supply on   the first month and normalized in the succeeding months.
        top of the milk I pumped in the office.  The stash is also
        for emergency in case my breastmilk supply is affected   3.  Growth spurt. Adjusting to his new environment, Ram
        by stress from work, milk sickness, traffic,and work     gets irritated or cried easily. This was also the time that I
        schedules despite the 40 minutes breaktime for          doubted my supply of breast milk was enough.
        extracting milk.                                        4.  Teething period. The stage when he pulls or bites my
                                                                nipples. It was really painful. But eventually he got over it.
                                                                5.  Pumped milk. When my breast milk stash was
                                                                completely depleted I felt the pressure that I cannot sustain
                                                                the volume of milk I needed to produced in a day. I almost
                                                                considered milk donations from my office mate. Luckily, I
                                                                was able to cope up with the breast milk Ram needed for
                                                                the day since he was already eating solid food.

                                                                1.  Provide the antibodies that my son needs against
                                                                2.  Promotes healthy weight. Breastfed babies are more
                                                                likely become “siksik”.
                      Stash built during maternity leave        3.  I easily lossed weight.
                                                                4.  No hassles when travelling since we are not carrying
        Maternity leave was almost over and I was struggling with   feeding bottles.
        separation anxiety. I worked 12 hours in a five-day      5.  It saved us money from not buying formula milk
        workweek. I prepared the following to continue my
        breastmilk extraction while in the office: thermal bags,   Breastfeeding is a choice. Whatever circumstances you may
        pump, storage bottles, tissue, nursing cover, and a piece of   encount, having a mindset to provide the best nutrition for
        my baby’s cloth. In the office, I managed my time by     your child will lead you to the journey of breastfeeding.
        pumping milk every three hours. I did not pump milk     Many obstacles may come your way, most especially if
        beyond the fourth hour since I will experience breast   you’re a working mom. Schedule of pumping will be
        engorgement. It always feels nice knowing that I can    affected by your corporate responsibilities. But knowing
        extract 15 to 16 oz  of breast milk. When fresh pumped milk   your priorities as a breastfeeding mom is not that hard. A
        was not enough for Ram’s daily consumption, my helper or   ton of determination is reciprocated by the amount of milk
        I, would get the extra frozen breast milk from the freezer   that you will produce. Always remember, your sacrifices at
        the night before.                                       present will give your child life-long benefits in terms of
                                                                health, physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
        The cycle continued when at work I pumped and when at   KUDOS TO ALL #PADEDE MOMS ALL OVER THE WORLD!
        home Ram latched. When my little boy reached his 6th    HAKAB NA!
        month and started eating mashed veggies, my supply got
        lower. It explained the demand and supply. But whatever   Source:
        the volume of milk I pumped in the office it supplemented
        the small meals given to him in a day.        

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