Page 130 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 130
What You Need to Know About
Drunk and Drugged Driving
By RJ Camano, Quality, Environment, Safety, and Health
Top Causes of Road Accidents
3. The one-leg stand, which requires
Did you know that among the top the driver to stand on one leg and
causes of road accidents, alcohol and raise the other one around six inches
drugs, place second with distracted from the ground for about 60
driving (i.e. drivers who use gadgets, seconds.
call or text, eat, read, talk, etc, while
behind the wheel) as the leading If the driver passes these tests, they
cause of car accidents. Thus, the “Anti will only be apprehended for their
Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of traffic violation. However, if the driver
2013” was enacted under the Republic fails any of the three tests, they will
Act No. 10586, “An Act Penalizing then be subjected to an alcohol
Persons Driving Under The Influence breath analyzer test, which
Of Alcohol, Dangerous Drugs, and determines the blood alcohol level of
Similar Substances, And For Other the person by testing their breath.
For drivers of private vehicles that
Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving weigh below 4,500kg, the allowed
Act of 2013 limit is 0.05%. For drivers of
public-utility vehicles, trucks, buses
Based on the rules and regulations, and motorcycles, the allowed limit is
an apprehended driver who is 0.0%. If the driver is found exceeding
suspected of driving under the the prescribed blood alcohol level,
influence of alcohol will be subjected they will be arrested while their
to three field sobriety tests: vehicle will be impounded. If the
driver is found to be within the
1. An eye test, which requires the allowed limit, however, they will only
driver to follow with his gaze an be apprehended for their traffic
object that the law enforcer moves violation.
horizontally, around one foot away
from the driver’s face; In the case of drivers who are
suspected to be under the influence
2. A walk-and-turn test, which of dangerous drugs or other illegal
requires the driver to walk nine steps substances, they will be brought to
forward in a straight line, turn, then the nearest police station and
walk back the same distance without subjected to a drug screening test “in
difficulty; and accordance with existing laws.”