Page 157 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 157
slip/accomplished Visa Cash Card enrollment form, if for pension Special Instruction: One Claimant’s Statement per beneficiary
■ If the account number is not reflected in the ATM card or if the name of
spouse/claimant is not embossed in the ATM card or it is not yet available, a 2. Death Certificate (original form with blue background or lines is not
copy of initial deposit slip shall be required acceptable) duly certified by the Local Civil Registrar over his signature with
■ If claimant cannot open a savings account or apply for Visa Cash Card, a Official Seal and bearing the Local Civil Registry Number and Documentary
written request for exemption from the “SSS Pensioner’s Remittance thru Stamps
Bank Program” stating valid reason is required
■ ITF account if claimant is under guardianship 87 3. Two (2) valid Proofs of Identity (preferably government issued IDs with
■ Joint Affidavit (preferably by the relatives of deceased member) that the photo and signature) of the beneficiary/ies
deceased and the common-law-spouse have no legal impediment to marry, if
with dependent illegitimate children Additional Claim Requirements (submit requirements appropriate to your
■ Pro-forma affidavit attesting dependency for support (if case)
■ Written explanation, if death claim was filed by spouse beyond five (5) years If beneficiary is spouse:
from date of death
■ Marriage Certificate issued by the National Statistics Office/Philippine
Pag-IBIG Death Benefits Statistics Authority (original)
If you are a legal heir or beneficiary of a Pag-IBIG member who has died, you If beneficiary is minor / below 18 years old:
can claim Pag-IBIG death benefits only if the Pag-IBIG member has not
claimed his/her Provident benefits when he/she was still alive. ■ Birth or Baptismal Certificate of the minor
■ Affidavit of Guardianship [form to be supplied by Sun Life of Canada (Phils.),
If the Pag-IBIG member has claimed his/her Provident benefits after he Inc.] if parent or other party is claiming on behalf of the minor
accumulated at least 240 contributions, or when he turned 60 years old, or ■ Guardian’s Bond/Letters of Guardianship approved by the court including
when he retired, or when he was permanently disabled, there is No More the Summary of the Proceedings or the Petition if parent/ party other than
Pag-IBIG death benefits to be claimed by his legal heirs or beneficiaries. parent is claiming on behalf of the minor (submit only upon approval of
As much as we do not want to avail of death related benefits, it would be to our 2. monthly pension times the number of monthly contributions paid or claim)
advantage to be aware of what these death related benefits are so we can inform twelve (12) times the monthly pension, whichever is higher – if the member The Provident Death Benefit is equal to the Savings or Contributions from
and prepare our family. To find out more, below are the available government and has paid less than 36 monthly contributions prior to the semester of death. Employee and Employer plus Dividends while the Death Benefit is equivalent If beneficiary is company or corporation:
company death related benefits. to 6,000 pesos (but if the Total Provident Benefit is lower than 6,000 pesos,
How is the lump sum amount paid? the Death Benefit is the same amount as the Total Provident Benefit). ■ Corporate Secretary’s Certificate indicating the name of the company’s
SSS Death Benefits authorized signatory, the scope of his authority and his specimen signature
Effective May 2016, the beneficiary may opt to receive the lump sum benefits Beneficiaries file only one set of claim — the Application for Provident ■ Two (2) valid Proofs of Identity (preferably government issued IDs with
What is Death Benefit? for SS and EC Disability, SS Death and Retirement directly through his or her Benefits Claim form. The primary legal heirs or beneficiaries include the wife photo and signature) of the authorized signatory
bank account, instead of receiving the check through the mail. The Payment or husband, children (may be legitimate, illegitimate or legally adopted and
The death benefit is a cash benefit paid either in monthly pension or lump sum to thru-the-Bank Program shall become mandatory upon implementation of parents of members. Secondary heirs or beneficiaries include grandparents of If beneficiary is creditor:
the beneficiaries of a deceased member. the Benefits Workflow System. The beneficiary will be asked to open a single member, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces or other nearest relatives.
savings account (or use an existing one, if any) and submit to SSS a The intestate succession under the New Family Code will be followed for ■ Statement of Account as of date of death, if with outstanding loan
What are the types of death benefits? photocopy of any of the following: a) the savings account passbook; b) the sharing of benefits. ■ Proof of Settlement of Loan or Certificate of Full Payment, if loan has been
ATM card bearing the beneficiary’s name and account number; c) a validated paid in full
1. Monthly pension – granted to the primary beneficiaries of a deceased member initial 84 deposit slip; d) bank statement or certification; or e) Visa Cash Card The list of documents required to file a death benefit claim are:
who had paid 36 monthly contributions before the semester of death. Enrollment Form, upon filing of benefit application. The original If place of death is outside Philippines
2. Lump sum amount – granted to the primary beneficiaries of a deceased member passbook/ATM card must be presented for authentication purposes. 1. Application for Provident Benefits (APB) Claim (Pag-IBIG form)
who had paid less than 36 monthly contributions before the semester of death. In ■ Death Certificate of Pag-IBIG member, issued by NSO ■ Death Abroad Questionnaire [form to be supplied by Sun Life of Canada
case of secondary beneficiaries, they are paid a lump sum benefit only. For a beneficiary without an existing single savings account, the SSS shall ■ Notarized Proof of Surviving Legal Heirs (Pag-IBIG form) (Phils.), Inc.]
issue an LOI form to be presented to his or her chosen SSS-accredited bank ■ Notarized Affidavit of Guardianship ■ Original Passport (to be returned) and other documents related to the
Which beneficiaries of a deceased member are eligible to receive the death for the purpose of opening a single savings account. Upon approval of the (if children are 18 years old and younger, or physically/mentally travel or death abroad
benefit? claim, the SSS will mail a notice voucher to the beneficiary informing him/her handicapped children) ■ Original Death Certificate authenticated by the Consul including the
when to withdraw the benefit from the bank. ■ Birth certificates of all children for those who have children; birth official English translation (to be returned)
The death benefit goes to the primary beneficiaries of the deceased member. certificate of the member if the claimants are the parent or the member
These are the legitimate dependent spouse, until he/she remarries, and the If the deceased member has not paid any single contribution, are the has no children; birth certificate of the siblings if the member has no If death is due to an accident or violence
dependent legitimate, legitimated, or legally adopted, and illegitimate children of beneficiaries still entitled to the death and funeral benefits? children and the parents died already (issued by NSO)
the member who are not yet 21 years old or over 21 years old, provided they are 2. Marriage certificate, issued by NSO/PSA if member is married or Certificate ■ Police Report
incapacitated and incapable of self-support due to physical or mental disability The primary or secondary beneficiaries of a deceased member, who had no of No Marriage (CENOMAR), issued by PSA, if member is single ■ Autopsy Report
which is congenital in nature or acquired during minority. contribution at all, but was reported for coverage as an employee, shall be 3. Two valid ID cards of claimant. This may include SSS, TIN, Passport, Postal, ■ Toxicology Report
entitled to funeral benefit only. Office, NBI IDs, Driver’s License, Company, or preferably other government ■ Obituary or Newspaper Clippings, if any
In the absence of primary beneficiaries, the dependent parents are considered the issued IDs for faster claims. ■ Hospital Records (Admitting History and Discharge Summary or their
secondary beneficiaries. In their absence, any other person designated by the What is the prescriptive period in filing for claim for death benefit? equivalent)
member in his/her SSS records are considered as the beneficiary. If there is no File the Provident benefit claim at the Pag-IBIG Fund branch where the ■ Driver’s License if accident occurred while insured was driving a vehicle •
designated beneficiary, the benefit shall be paid to the deceased member’s legal There is no prescriptive period for the filing of initial death benefit. However, Pag-IBIG member or employer has remitted the most or latest contributions. Authorization [form to be supplied by Sun Life of Canada (Phils.), Inc.]
heirs in accordance with the law of succession under the Family Code of the filing of requests for re-adjudication or adjustment of settled death benefit If the member had multiple employers, check if the member’s contributions
Philippines. claim must be filed within ten (10) years. are already consolidated in the branch where you are filing, if not consolidate Medicard death claim benefits
everything and trace employment history of the member and seek the
How is the monthly pension paid? What are the forms and documents needed in filing a death benefits request of the officer-in-charge like the HR personnel for the PAG-IBIG Needed requirements to process the death claim benefits:
claim? contributions records of the deceased member.
The monthly pension is paid thru the beneficiary’s designated bank. The 1. Fully accomplished Reimbursement Claim Form
beneficiary is allowed to choose the bank nearest his/her residence thru which Basic Forms/Documents If the legal heirs or beneficiaries are unable to file the Pag-IBIG Fund Death 2. Certified True Copy of Death Certificate
he/she wishes to receive the pension benefits under the “SSS Pensioner’s Benefit themselves, the claim can be filed by their authorized representative, 3. Certificate of employment of the Principal Member
Remittance thru Bank” Program. This became mandatory effective September 1, 1. Death Claim Application (DCA) Form; Application for DDR Benefit Under their appointed court administrator or executor. Any authorized 4. Medicard ID or photocopy of any ID of the deceased
1993. The beneficiary must open a single savings account (or use an existing one, if the Portability Law, if applying under Portability Law representative is required to present a Special Power of Attorney (SPA) (Use 5. Duly Notarized of next Kin / Marriage Contract
any) and submit to the SSS the savings account number and a photocopy of the 2. Claimant’s Photo and Signature form Pag-ibig Fund SPA Form FCP014), his or her valid IDs, and the valid IDs of the 6. Duly Notarized attending physician statement form
passbook upon filing of application, or he/she may accomplish the Visa Cash Card 3. Filer’s Affidavit or Sinumpaang Salaysay (only one Filer’s Affidavit is member and beneficiaries. 7. Police report (For Accidental Death)
Enrollment Form. The original passbook must be presented for authentication required at the time of filing) 8. Copy of Autopsy report (For death of unknown causes)
purposes. For ATM accounts, the name of the beneficiary must be embossed, and 4. SSS Form CLD-1.3A (Affidavit of Death Benefit) if claimants are primary or After filing, you will receive a Claims Acknowledgment Receipt (CAR). Date of
the savings account number must be indicated in the ATM card; otherwise, a copy secondary beneficiaries (only one CLD-1.3A is required at the time of filing) release will be written on the CAR. Pag-ibig may call you during evaluation of Once the documents are fully accomplished submit it to HRAD for proper
of the deposit slip must be submitted. 5. Certified true copy of death certificate of deceased member, duly documents, if more documents are needed. When the check is ready, you can handling and processing.
registered with the LCR and signed by the authorized signatory of the Office claim it by presenting the Claims Acknowledgement Receipt (CAR) and
For beneficiaries without an existing single savings account, the SSS will issue an of the Civil Registrar, or issued by the PSA (formerly, NSO), or Certification of present 2 valid IDs.
LOI form to be presented to his/her chosen SSS-accredited bank for the purpose of Death of deceased member issued and signed by the authorized signatory of
opening a single savings account. Upon approval of the claim, the SSS will mail a the Office of the Civil Registrar and bearing the official seal Remember that if the member was able to claim his/her PAG-IBIG Provident Source:
notice-voucher to the beneficiary informing him/her when to withdraw the benefit 6. Any of the following, whichever is applicable: Death Benefit, you cannot claim the death benefit anymore as heirs or
from the bank. beneficiaries for the member is deemed to be not a member of PAG-IBIG
■ SSS Form CLD1.3 (Joint Affidavit of two disinterested persons) preferably anymore upon claiming of the Provident Death Benefit k_Death.pdf
How much is the lump sum benefit? relatives of the deceased member, if claimants are designated beneficiaries
or legal heirs of deceased member (only one CLD-1.3 is required at the time of Sunlife Death Claim Benefits
The primary beneficiaries of a deceased member who had paid less than 36 filing) s/
monthly contributions shall be entitled to lump sum benefit, which shall be the ■ SSS Form CLD-15 (Application for Appointment as Representative Payee) if Important Reminders:
higher of: claimant is the guardian
■ SSS Form BPN-107 (Guarantor’s Bond Form) if claimant is the guardian ■ Submit only certified true copies except as indicated below nefits/
1. monthly pension multiplied by the number of monthly contributions paid prior to ■ If cause of death is work-connected: – Form BPN-105 (Report of Death) – ■ Documents submitted will not be returned except as indicated below
the semester of death; or Pre-employment medical records, if cause of death is due to illness –
2. twelve (12) times the monthly pension. Statement of duties and responsibilities duly signed by the employer – Standard Claim Requirements m=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwir9fiqooreAhUMiLwKHRnNDQUQ_AUIDigB&biw
Mission/Job or travel order duly signed by the employer, when applicable – =1517&bih=695#imgrc=ENTtcy17dJSlSM:
Secondary beneficiaries of the deceased member shall be entitled to a lump sum Photocopy of page in the company logbook/record of accident signed by the 1. Claimant’s Statement [form to be supplied by Sun Life of Canada
benefit equivalent to: ER – Police investigation report or employer’s report of injury, death or (Phils.), Inc.] to be completed by designated primary beneficiary/ies or by
casualty spot report, when applicable authorized signatory if beneficiary is a company
1. 36 times the monthly pension – if the member has paid at least 36 monthly ■ Single savings account passbook/ATM card/validated initial deposit
contributions prior to the semester of death; or