Page 107 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 107
Having celebrated Grandparent’s Day last September 9 and with the upcoming
Linggo ng Katandaang Filipino next month, we recognize the wisdom, support and
love that our lolos and lolas, moms and dads, and our other elderly loved ones have
extended to us throughout our lives. As token of this appreciation, it is best to remind
their sometimes (or always) forgetful memory of the benefits they are entitled to.
Our government, through Republic Act Nos. 7432, 9994 and 10645, provide Senior
Citizens with various benefits and privileges:
■ Mandatory PhilHealth coverage and privileges by GSIS, SSS and PAG-IBIG
- All senior citizens are covered by the as enjoyed by those in active service.
national health insurance program of
PhilHealth. ■ Privileges on special discounts in
special programs of Different LGUS
■ Social safety nets - Vehicle Coding Exemption in Makati
- The social safety assistance shall and Manila
include, but not be limited to, food, - Free Parking in cities like Cebu City,
medicines, and financial assistance Manila, Muntinlupa and Quezon City
for house repair to cushion effects of
economic, disaster and calamity To avail of these benefits, the senior
shocks. citizen or his/her authorized
representative shall present a valid and
■ Death benefit assistance original Senior Citizens’ Identification
- Assistance of a minimum of P2,000 Card or other valid documents showing
shall be given to the nearest surviving their identification and age, such as the
relative who took care of the elderly person’s Philippine Passport,
deceased senior citizen. driver’s license, or voter’s ID (Article 5,
Rule 3, IRR of RA 9994).
OTHERS Refusal to honor IDs expressly indicated
in the IRR, any violations of the other
■ Express lanes provisions of the law, as well as abuse of
- Express lanes shall be provided in all the privileges granted by the same, is
private, banking, commercial and punishable with a fine and
government establishments; priority imprisonment. If the offender is a
shall be given in their absence. corporation, partnership, organization or
any similar entity, the officials thereof
■ Educational privileges directly involved such as the president,
- Assistance shall be granted to senior general manager, managing partner, or
citizens to pursue education through such other officer charged with the
provision of scholarships, grants, management of the business affairs shall
financial aids, subsidies and other be liable therefor (Sec. 7 of RA 9994).
incentives. With these laws and safeguards in place,
we are one with the country in thanking
■ Benefits and privileges for retirees our elders for all their contributions to
- Continuance of the same benefits society and our families.
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