Page 106 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 106
Benefits and
Privileges Granted
to Senior Citizens
By Skyla Mae L. Zafe, Legal Services
■ Utility discount
DISCOUNTS - Grant of a minimum of 5% discount
relative to the monthly use of water
■ 20% discount on: and electricity, provided that the
meter is registered under the name
Medical-related privileges of the senior citizen residing therein
- Medicine and drug purchases and does not exceed 100 kWh and 30
- Medical supplies, accessories and m .
- Medical and dental services EXEMPTIONS
- Professional fees of attending
physician ■ Tax exemption
- Professional fees of licensed - Exemption from payment of
health workers providing home individual income tax of those who
health care services are considered to be minimum wage
- Air and Sea ■ Training fee exemption
- Land: LRT, MRT, PNR, buses, - Training fees for socio-economic
jeepneys, taxi and shuttle services programs conducted by private and
government agencies subject to the
Hotels, restaurants, recreational guidelines issued by DTI, DOLE, DA,
facilities, places of leisure TESDA and DOST-TRC.
- Hotels, restaurants, theaters, FREEBIES
cinemas, concert halls, circuses,
leisure and amusement ■ Free medical and dental services
■ Free vaccinations
Recreation centers
- Fees, charges and rental for sports GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE
facilities and equipment
■ Social Pension
Funeral services - Indigent senior citizens shall be
- Funeral and burial expenses entitled to a monthly stipend
include casket or urn, embalming, amounting to P500 to augment daily
cremation cost, and other services. subsistence and other medical needs.
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