Page 17 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 17
Law’s Gift
for Moms
By Skyla Mae L. Zafe, Legal
institute a Total Development And Protection Of
When we look back into our childhood, I am sure that Children Program.
one of the earliest memories we recall are those with
our mothers. It can be when they first brought us to Moms have the right to breastfeed not only in the
preschool, dragged us into a playdate or read to us office, but in all health and non-health facilities,
before bed. For a child’s entire life, a mom takes on establishments or institutions. The Expanded
various roles just to be able to take care of her child. Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009 states that
every establishment must have a lactation station,
This is why we have Mother’s Day – to honor and which must necessarily be equipped with the
celebrate the selfless love that our Nanay, Mama or facilities defined by the Department of Health as
Mommy has given us even before we came into the needed by breastfeeding mothers. This in clude a
world. So, while we take our moms out for a date and lavatory for hand-washing, refrigeration or
buy her flowers and trinkets to mark the occasion, appropriate cooling facilities for storing expressed
the Legislature likewise has gifts for her that won’t breastmilk; electrical outlets for breast pumps; a
wilt or collect dust. Philippine laws recognize that small table; and comfortable seats. Said lactation
moms need and deserve all the support they can get. station should not be inside a toilet.
Being a mom should never be a reason to be Also, this law provides that nursing employees
discriminated at work. RA 6275, entitled An Act should be given break intervals, which shall not be
Strengthening The Prohibition On Discrimination less than a total of 40 minutes for every 8-hour
Against Women With Respect To Terms And working period, in addition to the regular time-off
Conditions Of Employment, Amending For The for meals to breastfeed or express milk. These
Purpose Article One Hundred Thirty-Five Of The intervals are considered to be compensable hours
Labor Code, As Amended, provides that it is unlawful worked.
for any employer to discriminate against any woman
employee with respect to terms and conditions of There is a Special Leave Benefit Program for
employment solely on account of her sex. The (i) Surgical Operations for Gynecological Problems, as
payment of lesser compensation to a female mandated by the Magna Carta of Women or
employee as against a male employee, for work of Republic Act No. 9710. Although not limited to
equal value; and (ii) favoring a male employee over a mothers, a woman employee is entitled to a special
female employee with respect to promotion, training leave benefit of 2 months if she has undergone or
opportunities, study and scholarship grants solely on needs to undergo surgery caused by gynecological
account of their sexes, are acts of discrimination problems or disorders. The same employee must
according to said law. have rendered continuous aggregate work for at
least 6 months for the last 12 months.
In addition to this, the Labor Code, as demonstrated
clearly by jurisprudence (Del Monte Philippines, Inc. These are only some of the laws that empower,
vs. Lolita Velasco, G.R. No. 153477), has declared it support and protect Filipino women and mothers.
unlawful that employment be terminated by reason In light of the Women’s Month celebrated just a
of one’s pregnancy. couple of months ago, and the Mother’s Day
festivities, let us be united in hoping that our
If you are a working mom with no one to leave your legislators continue to evaluate and provide laws
kids with during the day, there are barangay day care that will ensure that our Mothers are celebrated
centers that can help care for your child. Republic Act and cared for not only during May but all-year
No. 6972 or Barangay-Level Total Development and round.
Protection of Children Act mandates that a day care
center be established in every barangay, which must Source: Philippine Commission on Women website
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