Page 18 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 18

Helpful Tips for

                                                             Expecting Moms

                                                             By Erica Belino, Human Resources

          Pregnancy is a mind – bending and blissful time in a woman’s life. Becoming a parent is a new
          chapter in everyone’s life. So soon-to-be moms, here are some tips on how to maximize your
          maternity benefits:

          1. Avail SSS Maternity Leave
          This benefit is offered to all SSS female members for the first four deliveries or miscarriage. Once you
          know you are pregnant, submit to your employer a maternity notification to notify SSS. Since it’s benefit
          from SSS, Maternity Leave is without pay from the company where normal deliveries are 60 days and 72
          days for cesarean delivery, OUCH! No worries, MPT South covers the difference of the SSS maternity
          benefit and your monthly salary.

          2. Arrange your stuffs and your baby stuffs before you popped out!
          One to two weeks before your due date, prepare your clothes and your toiletries so you will look pleasing
          even after a hard labor in the operating room   Prepare also your baby’s stuffs: new born diaper, hand
          mittens, new born socks, bib, baby towels, alcohol, cotton swabs, etc. Please don’t buy formula milk lets
          support breastfeeding.
          3. Reduce your expenses

          While you are on your maternity leave, one of the biggest challenge is budgeting your finances. Try to
          make some extra income while you were on a vacation mode: online selling (clothes that won’t fit you
          already, haha!) bake some cookies and let your hubby sell it in their office  . Let’s be practical!
          4. Make friends with benefits on a brighter side

          Now is the time to make new friends! Parenthood can be lonely sometimes most especially if you live far
          away from your parents. So, whenever you have the chance to go out and if you see someone who’s
          pregnant or with her new born baby strike up a conversation! If you’re not an outgoing person try to find
          out where the new moms group meet, it could be in your OB-Gyn’s Clinic, pediatricians clinic, church or
          even in female network sites or parenting sites (Smart Parenting) Experiences from different people
          might help you a lot, just get what is necessary for you.

          5. Plan Ahead Liquid & Solid Actions

          Maternity leave will end soon, try to plan and prepare yourself before going back to work.  Practice being
          away from your child, think of it as a skill that you and your child needs to learn. Did you know that
          lactation in the workplace is a compensable break? For time that may be needed beyond the usual
          break time, the law requires such break intervals be not less than 40 minutes for every eight-hour
          working period. With this, nursing employees can have 2-3 breastmilk expressions lasting 15 to 30
          minutes each within a work day. Don’t forget to pump some milk in the morning, label and freeze the
          expressed milk with date and ounces.

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