Page 29 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 29
Pasay, Philippines – Members of the DPWH, worth about Php 300M, consists of the bridge
headed by Secretary Mark Villar, inspect the widening at the Wawa, Las PIñas area.
Manila-Cavite Expressway’s (Cavitex) ongoing ”These enhancement projects started late last year
construction of a flyover on the southbound lane, and were slated to finish by August 2018, but we
and road widening on both directions of the will complete them within July 2018. On top of
expressway. “Cavitex, being the gateway to the these, we are also adding 15 tollbooths – 3 on the
Cavite, Laguna and Batangas provinces, responds northbound direction, 2 on the southbound
to the challenges of progress. More cars pass direction, and 5 portable booths each on the north
Cavitex year on year, a sign that Region 4A and south sides of the Parañaque toll plaza. This
continues to boom, and is likely to become a will effectively double our throughput capacity.”
highly-progressive and viable area for more said J. Luigi L. Bautista, President and CEO of
investments. The various enhancement projects Cavite Infrastructure Corporation. “About 140,000
in Cavitex will improve travel time here by around cars pass Cavitex at different periods of the day,
20 to 30 minutes,” said Secretary Villar. and we would like each one of them to have a
Cavitex Infrastructure Corporation (CIC) is good experience to take with them after passing
investing a total of Php 700M on the Cavitex our expressway,” further said Bautista.
enhancement project which aims to ease traffic The Cavitex is the start of a road network being
in the area, and to respond to the traffic expanded by the Metro Pacific Tollways South, a
congestion being experienced by motorists. The subsidiary of the Metro Pacific Tollways
decongestion strategy of CIC comes in two Corporation. It will connect to the 45KM
phases. The first phase costs about Php 400M Cavite-Laguna Expressway until Mamplasan,
and will entail the road widening from MIAA to Biñan, Laguna, giving more travel options to
Zapote, as well as the Southbound Flyover on the motorists.
intersection of Pacific Ave. The second phase,