Page 44 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 44

How to say No to

                                                              Over Spending?

                                                              By Obella Ronsairo, Supply Chain Management

          It is important to recognize and reward dads for being there, and educating significant life skills and
          values to children and thank them for supporting us financially and providing our needs. It is important
          to their children, and meaningful to dads everywhere when we say “Thank you Dad” with or without any
          Raising kids and supporting their necessities are not as easy as counting 1, 2 and 3. Fathers are extending
          their time, effort and sacrifices their wants just to provide the needs of the family. People nowadays,
          doesn’t have the idea on how hard it is to earn money, and because our Father were born as good
          provider and they don’t want to disappoint their family, there are those times that they cannot afford to
          say No to over spending to their wife nor to their kids.
          In addition to this special event for our Father, here are some of the tips on how they can say No to
          excessive spending without frustrating their family:
          Weighing the advantage and disadvantage                  Focus and set a strict budget

          Deliberate the pros and cons of saying yes or no to      Living within the boundaries of a detailed
          every situation. Be practical, not emotional when        budget, people will find it easier to avoid
          deciding which to say. Once you have decided, be         dropping into the trap of lavishness for no good
          fixed. Do not let the opinion of others affect you        reason. By practicing a strict budget, decisions
          from sticking to your decision. Keep running             will automatically become very easy, whether
          through the advantages of your choice to help            you can afford it or not. There will be no mistake
          strengthen your firmness.                                 in spending within a good budget, that’s why
                                                                   Father’s work so well for their families, assuring
          Stick to your needs vs your wants                        that they can stay on the right financial track
                                                                   along with it is providing the needs of the
          People have their own needs and wants. For some,         family without sacrificing their relationship with
          it can be hard to say no even when saying yes would      one another.
          cause them to compromise their relationship with         Never apologize for formulating the said
          their relatives. Think of it like this, your partner is a   decision. It makes you seem bendable, because
          great person and a great companion and so you            of it people doubt your decisiveness and keep
          want to please her. She wants a new and limited          trying to change your mind.
          edition of a signature bag that costs higher than the    Do not be hard to yourself for saying no. Do not
          regular price of bags and you know it will push the      regret the decision you made if you know that
          budget to the near overextension. Saying yes might       you have a good and a valid reason. The sense
          please them, but it will compromise your                 of feeling guilt is a normal emotion and it
          practicality values. While saying no will disappoint     comes naturally. When it happens, go over the
          them, but sooner or later they will get over it.         reasons and details why you made that certain
          Sounds like an easy decision, but how many of you        action and soon you will be able to rationalize
          know someone who just helps their partner                them to yourself and to the people that
          purchase expensive things just to fulfill their wants?    surrounds you.

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