Page 102 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 102

101, what are the essential requisites of a
                                                                                                                                   contract? These are Offer, Consideration and
                                                                                                                                   Acceptance. Interesting, now where in the
                                                          Contracts and                                                            Bible can we find them? Let’s start from the

                                                                                                                                   Beginning – Genesis, of course.
                                                          the Bible

                                                          By Clarence Elmer T. Quismundo,
                                                          Contracts Administration

         I was recalling the past few weeks as I                contract in the shelf with the hope that we
         regularly do, contemplating on recent                  will never have to use it to resolve any
         activities and events while at the same time           disputes, which is not the intention of the
         preparing for our Annual Management                    document but rather to set the rules on how
         Conference in Cebu last August 2018, when              the project can be satisfactorily completed.
         it dawned on me that the past month had
         been quite good for MPT South.                         As I was digesting the above with Atty. Dacky
                                                                Casino (Supply Chain and Risk Management
         The Environmental Clearance Certificate                 Vice President), I seconded that there is
         (ECC) for CALAEx Cavite Segment has been               really no such thing as a perfect contract. If
         secured, a long-awaited site access for a              we wait for a contract to be perfect, we will
         critical area at CALAEX Laguna Segment                 not be able to start anything. If there is any
         was cleared, substantial accomplishments               such contract, and if you are a believer, that
         were achieved at the C-5 South Link and R-1            would be the Bible. And yet, despite being
         Enhancement Projects, our Original                     said to be inspired by God and thus should
         Proponent Status for the                               be perfect, there are several different
         Cavite-Tagaytay-Batangas Expressway                    interpretations made by different people.
         (CTBEx) Project has been issued, and (after            That is because those people were never
         a 10-month Procurement and Negotiation                 there when the covenant (as it is sometimes
         period) the Contract for the MPT South Toll            called) was written. Hence, they never really
         Collection System (TCS) was finally signed.             fully understood the intent.
         Despite the still daunting challenges that
         await us, we have a lot of reasons to feel             In this context, it is very important to
         positive.                                              maintain a record of every notes and
                                                                discussions made between the negotiating
         During the said TCS Contract Signing last              parties. Those notes show the history of how
         August 7, 2018, I heard some very valuable             the document was drafted, and the process
         words of wisdom from one of the principal              it undertook before it was produced in its
         signatories. To sum it up, the contract that           final form. In times of ambiguity, the notes
         was signed on that day is not perfect by               would serve a valuable purpose in tracing
         itself but represents the collective                   the intentions of the parties.
         understanding and agreement of the
         negotiating parties. Acceptable                        Going back to the Bible, it is my firm belief
         compromises were made by both sides to                 that the Bible is indeed a contract between
         make it possible. Now it’s time for the real           God and man. Allow me make a mental
         work to start, so we need to put the                   exercise to prove it. Remember our Contracts

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