Page 103 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 103

101, what are the essential requisites of a             God so loved the world, that He gave His only
        contract? These are Offer, Consideration and            begotten Son, so that whosoever believes in
        Acceptance. Interesting, now where in the               Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”
        Bible can we find them? Let’s start from the
        Beginning – Genesis, of course.

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 I was recalling the past few weeks as I   contract in the shelf with the hope that we   In Genesis, when God created man and
 regularly do, contemplating on recent   will never have to use it to resolve any   woman, He gave them authority over all
 activities and events while at the same time   disputes, which is not the intention of the   Creation. Man accepted and exercised that   But please be reminded that the Escape
 preparing for our Annual Management   document but rather to set the rules on how   authority, which by the way was conditioned   Clause is not a free pass. We need to perform
 Conference in Cebu last August 2018, when   the project can be satisfactorily completed.  upon one very important caveat, i.e., that   our part. Man needs to accept the new offer
 it dawned on me that the past month had   “man should not eat fruit from the tree of   to enable the new contract to be in force.
 been quite good for MPT South.  As I was digesting the above with Atty. Dacky   knowledge of good and evil.” The very first   First, we need to believe. Next, we need to
 Casino (Supply Chain and Risk Management   contract was executed on that day.   admit that we are in Breach (we have
 The Environmental Clearance Certificate   Vice President), I seconded that there is   Unfortunately, as biblical history records,   sinned) and we deserve to die (the Penalty).
 (ECC) for CALAEx Cavite Segment has been   really no such thing as a perfect contract. If   man and woman sinned against God and   Last, we pray to God for our Redemption.
 secured, a long-awaited site access for a   we wait for a contract to be perfect, we will   that authority was taken away. And as for   Subsequently, we exercise our faith that the
 critical area at CALAEX Laguna Segment   not be able to start anything. If there is any   any Breach, there is a corresponding Penalty.   sacrifice that God’s Son made on the Cross is
 was cleared, substantial accomplishments   such contract, and if you are a believer, that   That Penalty is Death.  enough to wipe out our sins and lead us to
 were achieved at the C-5 South Link and R-1   would be the Bible. And yet, despite being   everlasting life.
 Enhancement Projects, our Original   said to be inspired by God and thus should   The story does not end there. All throughout
 Proponent Status for the   be perfect, there are several different   biblical history, God attempted several times   Finally, God has proven to be the Ultimate
 Cavite-Tagaytay-Batangas Expressway   interpretations made by different people.   to repair the broken relationship with man.   Contract Administrator. There is no Coercion
 (CTBEx) Project has been issued, and (after   That is because those people were never   He sent the Judges, the Prophets and the   involved in this process despite God’s
 a 10-month Procurement and Negotiation   there when the covenant (as it is sometimes   Law (the 10 Commandments and all other   warning of the consequence of
 period) the Contract for the MPT South Toll   called) was written. Hence, they never really   rules set forth in the first 5 Books of the Old   non-acceptance. God gave us Free Will,
 Collection System (TCS) was finally signed.   fully understood the intent.  Testament called by the Jews as the Torah)   allowing us to choose between right and
 Despite the still daunting challenges that   to remind man of their old covenant.   wrong as each individual person deems fit.
 await us, we have a lot of reasons to feel   In this context, it is very important to   Stubborn as he is, man continuously rejected   The required personal acceptance is
 positive.  maintain a record of every notes and   them. It would seem that mankind was   voluntarily given as an act in Good Faith.
 discussions made between the negotiating   destined to meet the terrible fate of
 During the said TCS Contract Signing last   parties. Those notes show the history of how   everlasting fire and ironically due to its own   And with that act, a New Contract is
 August 7, 2018, I heard some very valuable   the document was drafted, and the process   making. A self-inflicted consequence, so to   consummated. God bless everyone.
 words of wisdom from one of the principal   it undertook before it was produced in its   speak. One that is avoidable
 signatories. To sum it up, the contract that   final form. In times of ambiguity, the notes   Clarence Elmer T. Quismundo, started as
 was signed on that day is not perfect by   would serve a valuable purpose in tracing   But God never gave up. He provided an   Contracts Administration Manager of
 itself but represents the collective   the intentions of the parties.  Escape Clause by introducing a very   MPCALA Holdings, Inc. in 2015 and now as
 understanding and agreement of the   important Variation, paving the way for the   Contracts Administration Senior Manager of
 negotiating parties. Acceptable   Going back to the Bible, it is my firm belief   New Testament (a New Covenant). Now we   MPT South Management Corporation.
 compromises were made by both sides to   that the Bible is indeed a contract between   are seriously talking contracts. What is this
 make it possible. Now it’s time for the real   God and man. Allow me make a mental   Clause? This can be found in John 3:16, “For
 work to start, so we need to put the   exercise to prove it. Remember our Contracts

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