Page 35 - May 2018 - December 2018 Issue
P. 35
Last May 16, 2018, the second about managing stress since it
event of the Get Fit, Have Fun was really the battle of each
Wellness Leisure Event program person every day.
was held at The Selah Garden
Hotel, Pasay City. MPT South In the afternoon session, Chief
employees attended two 3-hour Awesome Officer Ian talked
seminars on Wellness facilitated about “Wealthness”, simply ■ Spiritual Management (Pray,
by Life Coach Ruben M. Lanot means Work – Life Balance. Do Meditate and Reflect) Key points that our MPT South
and Chief Awesome Officer Al you feel like you are running two employees learned:
Ian Barcelona of AIB Training. lives? If you are a parent or Blessed is the one who
breadwinner of the family you perseveres under trial because, Always learn to manage your
Life Coach Ruben tackled the will be able to learn how to having stood the test, that time well
morning session topic on Stress balance work and life properly — person will receive the crown of Prioritize urgent and important
Management. He discussed the career, ambition, health, life that the Lord has promised task, delegate tasks and errands
effects of stress and how to deal pleasure, leisure and spiritual. to those who love him. James where possible and cut activities
with stress properly. His Everyone learned about: 1:12 that waste your time.
discussion about “Intra- Personal Don’t forget also to pay attention
Communication or Self Talk” was ■ Self – management Should you therefore still aim for to your physical needs: Eat the
of particular interest, that is: (particularly getting proper work – life balance? right food, get enough sleep and
sleep, exercise and nutrition) get regular exercise. Effort to keep
■ The ability to pause before ■ Time management “A true balance between work healthy will go a long way.
you act (Discerning what is both and life comes with knowing
■ Being mindful of our important and urgent) that your life activities are Aside from the learnings from the
emotions ■ Technology Management integrated, not separated” – seminar, everyone also enjoyed the
■ Respect (ensuring that technology Micheal Thomas Sunnarborg exercises and fun games prepared
serves you) aside from the sumptuous lunch
Everyone was very attentive buffet.